Solvace manages daily improvement opportunities
around Visual Management and Problem Solving

4. Learn

Make your company improve from each opportunity

Capitalize everything painlessly

All data are automatically captured in Solvace. Any KPI, comment, problem, action, meeting statistics… forever. No more knowledge drain from erasing the whiteboard or storing your root cause analyses in a spreadsheet or on a local drive.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

When similar problems have been solved anywhere in the organization, you receive suggestions from Solvace to solve your problem more easily. You can also easily search the entire database for similar problems. Why start from a blank sheet when the same problems have already been solved many times?

Activate your expert network

Solvace identifies experts through people’s participation to problem solving. These experts can then be suggested in similar problems occurring in other parts of the organization.

Get insight

Leverage your captured data to find out actionable insights. Whether you look at a simple historical trend from your digital meeting board in Solvace, or make complex analysis.

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